



27 November 2019

Waipareira Co-designs New Whānau Support Programme

Te Whānau o Waipareira is co-designing a new programme for whānau facing multiple and complex challenges including homelessness and rising debt.
Partnering with the Tamaki Regeneration Company (TRC) and East Auckland’s Te Hoe oo Tamaki (THT), Waipareira is co-designing a programme called Whānau by Whānau.
This programme will provide a holistic, evidence-based service co-designed with the local community that supports whānau to achieve and realise long-term and empowering change and will be rolled out in 2020 across East Auckland.
Working together to develop the programme is significant milestone for Waipareira as it develops relationships regionally, nationally and internationally.
“This is a wonderful moment in time for us as it builds on the work Te Whānau O Waipareira has developed over the last three decades,” said Waipareira Project Lead Jacqui Harema.
“Whānau by Whānau has the potential to be a leading service in the next iteration of Whānau Ora.”
The THT collective includes Ruapotaka Marae, Glen Innes Family Centre and Tāmaki Community Development Trust.
“We acknowledge the community work Waipareira has provided to the west. We welcome their experience and look forward to an ongoing partnership that supports our whānau,” said Georgie Thompson, manager of Ruapotaka Marae.
TRC is behind the largest urban transformation project in New Zealand and wants to create a thriving, attractive, sustainable and self-reliant community. They are also in the process of building around 10,500 new homes.
“Through the partnership between Te Hoe oo Taamaki and Te Whānau o Waipareira, we know that the service will be grounded in Te Ao Māori and draw on the many strengths that whānau in Tāmaki possess,” says Shelley Katae, TRC’s General Manager Strategy and Performance.
